Monday, June 13, 2011


 The Analectic On Line Monthly Magazine.
Blog - Tell Us What You Think!  We are truely interested in what our readers, and writers have to say.  Post your comments here  
Welcome to our Blog!
The choice of our online literary magazine's title comes from the word analects  in literary criticism - selections of literary work, from the Greek, analekta -selected things.
The Analectic publishes,  fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry and short stories.  We also offer creative writing contests. 
All work should be submitted electronically.  Please see our submission guidelines, under, Guidelines.  Then, please proceed to Submit Work.
Our mission is to provide a voice for emerging writers.  We encourage a variety of writing styles, genres and creative venues.   We also accept established writers, so long as the work submitted has not been previously published.
We strive to give every thoughtful creative writer a voice.   We read all submissions, providing they follow the submission guidelines.  Please allow at least three weeks for a response. 

Our monthly subscription is currently free. Just click on our web site select the subscribe button on the left side bar and fill out the simple to use form to receive a monthly link to The Analectic On Line Monthly Magazine.


  1. This is awesome. I can't wait to post my fiction to your magazine.

  2. Everything starts somewhere. Even the best and most established artists, writers and magazines began at some point in time as new. I am reminded of Henri Rousseau's attempt to have one of his paintings placed in the Louvre. Rousseau's paintings were deemed crude and unsophisticated by some of the painting peers of his time, yet now they are some of the most famous paintings around. Some of his more learned and "esteemed" peers are hardly remembered, yet his works are Jungian in how well they've established themselves in the collective unconsciousness of our society. Many of his works are better liked than some of his more "respected" contemporaries and most are better known! Yet when he was starting out as a painter, the Louvre ridiculed and rejected him when he offered them one of his paintings, I believe it was The Sleeping Gypsy. And now that very painting is in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. I'm sure the Louvre are kicking themselves now, since The Sleeping Gypsy is priceless! Let me kick them once too, for Rousseau. We're here to give creative writers a real voice. If you have something you want to see published, submit it. If you don't think we're for you, fine, by all means, don't submit anything. If you have valid criticisms, let's hear them. But if you don't have anything constructive to say, then by all means piss off! Consider yourself kicked.
